Monday, January 10, 2011


if i did not forgive,
i should be untrue to myself,
in that i should thus act as if i were not guilty in the same way as the other has been guilty to me.

i must forgive the lies directed against myself,
because my own life has been so many times blotted by lies;
i must forgive the lovelessness,
the hatred,
the slander,
the fraud,
the arrogance which i encounter,
since i myself have so often lacked love,
hated, slandered, frauded, and been arrogant.

i came across this from my humanities reading and i am just so impelled to share it.

forgiving, is a sort of sweetened triumph of self-sacrifice. and by forgiving, is to be just to oneself, to be sincere to oneself. don't you think so? :D

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