The follower, amazed by the beauty of gold, stared at it all day and keep telling people of his pot of gold.
The dreamer, knowing that the gold being meaningless to him, threw away the pot of gold and went in search of his dreams. He saw the beauty of the world, which is definitely not limited to, only a pot of gold.
It's a short story that came to my mind before I close my eyes. simple as it is, but it is a reflection of what I feel. If asked, who am I? The dreamer or the follower?
Well, I once was both. Now, I hope I'm the dreamer. It might be a start, but let's not draw an end to it. :)
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oh my GOSH i had similar thoughts yesterday! hahaha bff telepathy =P
heehee. speaking of the similarities and the dissimilarities that we often have :))
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