Tuesday, April 20, 2010

of books

seriously, what else can be better than a book as a present?

it is a wonderful little surprise i got from vonne. a parcel from amazon came today and it is a book from paulo coelho, adding 1 more to my current collection *wheeee~*

the title of the book is : like the flowing river.

and i never ever told her that of all prezzies, i love books most, for books are companions for life. especially good ones. :)

she understands me best.

i'm super duper touched. seriously i am soooooooo happy that i was literally jumping up and down when i received the book and my hallmate said: it's just a book, why are you so happy? no. no one can understand that happiness :)))

what else can i ask for from a friend who understands me like this?

*huggies for my awesome BFF*

A BIG BIG THANK YOU!! you are seriously an awesome friend, you might have realised that by now, :p


from me, with lots of love <3

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