Friday, November 5, 2010

buddha teachings

it is really hard to draw a boundary between dreams and reality.

when you wanna achieve something that's really far from you, really badly : like.. getting into harvard ?

when reality hits: you realised you don't have the capability to do so.

so, when these don't balance out each other, all is left is merely disappointment. how sad that is.

but hey, i learnt something from the buddhist society event i attended yesterday:
i) your should be content with your life.
so if everyone feels content about their lives, where and how does the society

the following is the answer for the question above :

ii) the purpose in your life is to make the world a better place.

so you should by any means strive to make the world a better place, and be content with what you have achieved thus far (if you have worked hard enough)

so work hard folks, let's make this world a better place.

okay. enough of rambling, time to get back to my antiviral chemotherapy :)

p.s. i never wanna get into harvard, that was just an example :)


yvonne* said...

who says you're not going into harvard??

yes you are. WITH ME =D

yi ying said...

vonne : =D (i guess that pretty much explains a lot of things)

love ya !!